Welcome Beautiful Human Design Enthusiast!

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You've landed on the extensive Channels page, where you'll receive different versions of the channels so that you can feel into what the energy feels like to you, as this to me is the most important thing when you truly want to work with the energy.

You'll notice that the channels are not put in numerical order (like in the short overview). They are deliberately put in this order to show you the direction of how the energy works so you can tap into & transmute the energy!

<aside> 💁🏼‍♀️ Suggestion→ Read this before you get started with the channels:

*** This document is a work in progress and will continue to be filled out.*

Channels Starting with the Energy Flow from 1-10

Channels Starting with the Energy Flow from 11-20

Channels Starting with the Energy Flow from 21-30

Channels Starting with the Energy Flow from 31-40